Dear participants, Esteemed colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the 7th edition of SEA-CONF International Scientific Conference! Remembering the last year edition, when our plenary session took place exclusively online, we could say that our Academy has successfully surpassed uncertain times from the past, paved with tough limitation and challenges. This is why, there is a great satisfaction that, at this time, we have succeeded to organise the plenary session in face-to-face manner, here, in the Romanian Naval Academy Mircea cel Batran on residential location, marking not just the institutional resilience undergoing the pandemic period, but also the looming confidence in a better future for academics, research and education.
This conference has become a long-standing tradition with significant soundness throughout the national and international academic community, and it showcases the valuable outcomes of our research studies conducted in wide range of academic fields of expertise. It is both an honour and a joyful responsibility to undertake the role of polarizing the glittering ideas and to further disseminate the academics and scientists updated workpapers, availing on this opportunity to commit a greater confidence in our capacity to define and to promote high quality, performance, and excellence in the field of scientific research.
Taking into account the current dynamics of political, economic, social, technical and scientific variables and focussing on high quality promotion, the scientific research within Romanian Naval Academy is aligned both with the national strategy for research, development and innovation, and with Horizon Europe - the EU's key funding programme for research and innovation for 2021-2027. It is already known that the research activity is an increasingly important component in area of academics and has a greater significance not only for accreditation processes, but beyond, for international recognition. SEA-CONF has become an essential occasion for the Naval Academy to highlight its constant research activities and projects, its consideration for enlarging the cooperation programs in area of scientific research, and its ongoing interest in developing new partnerships and creating new opportunities.
Stimulating creativity and innovation aiming to develop the scientific research consists as one of the fundamental strategic objectives of Romanian Naval Academy on short and long run perspective. We will be focusing on the development of human resource, modernization and development of academic facilities and research infrastructure, having as final imperatives to promote and to make our institution more visible and highly relevant, as to forth becoming a reference institution in this field of scientific research at national and international levels.
This year's edition of 2021 SEA-CONF International Scientific Conference brings together over 100 participants and will take place in four sections: "Electrical Engineering, Automation and Computer Science", "Fundamental, Military, Language and Social Sciences", "Mechanical Engineering", and "Transport and management". Regardless of the section you have signed up for, I recommend you to disseminate the papers overall as an event asset, owed in the other sections as well, because each paperwork is particularly novelty provider, adding value to this event and to the research enrichment afterwards.
In the end, please allow me to thank you all for your committed interest in our conference and I avail on this opportunity to extend the warmest wishes for health and happiness, with the kind invitation for strengthening the fruitful partnerships for future cooperation projects and programs in field of scientific research!
I declare the sessions of 7th edition of 2021 SEA-CONF International Scientific Conference open for presentations!
The best of luck to all participants!
Commandant (Rector) of Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy
Captain (Rou Navy)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Alecu TOMA