Linguistic diversity in European Maritime Higher Education Institutions - MAR-LANG


MarLang Objectives

MAR-LANG project reinforces the academic internationalization and mobility, as well as the links between education, research, and innovation, in line with the challenges identified in using the foreign languages soft skill in professional level in maritime and naval business. To reach the project goal, the following objectives will be pursued:

Building of a strong cooperation partnership by arranging transnational meetings and training sessions for professors, as well as work across sectors by implementing linguistic diversity in European Maritime Higher Education Institutions. This objective is related to promoting interconnected Maritime Higher Education Institutions priority. The outcomes consist of 5 transnational meetings and of 3 training sessions counting 9 attending teachers (3 of each project partner).
Building and sharing common curricula for teaching Maritime French and Maritime English by designing the curricula and the content of the course. This objective is related to promoting interconnected Maritime Higher Education Institutions and stimulating innovative learning Erasmus + Program priorities. The outcomes consist of 3 jointly designed curricula and 3- course content development, a bilingual glossary of maritime terms in French and English.
Increasing the quality of the practice and learning of French-English maritime terminology by designing and developing a learning platform in order to generate digital transformation. This objective is addressed to digital transformation and stimulation of innovative learning Erasmus + Program priorities. The outcome consists of a Virtual Campus Platform.
Opening to new actors by extending the training programs offered to third parties in French-speaking maritime universities and port management training programs. This objective is addressed to stimulate innovative learning Erasmus + Program priority. The outcomes consist of 4 public events organized for sharing the results of the project to industry actors and 3 training sessions addressed to 9 attending students (3 of each project partner)

The target group consists of the undergraduate and graduate students from the project partners, but also addressing to their traditional partners. The project reinforces internationalization and mobility, as well as links between education, research, and innovation, in line with the challenges identified by recent studies. Positive effects are achieved by addressing skills gaps in the field of French-English Maritime Terminology by developing a new, innovative and common course module to meet the learning needs of the students from the 4 maritime higher institutions from the countries participating in the project, at the same time relevant to the labor market and the needs of the shipping industry, including better use of multidisciplinary online learning. Courses are designed to allow for more flexible learning while developing the digital skills of teachers and undergraduate students, and last but not least, allow the acquisition of transferable and digital skills. The course is addressed to students in maritime higher education and responds to employers and graduates requests and needs.

DISCLAIMER MARLANG project website is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The views expressed in the website and information published in the project working papers, deliverables and reports are those of the project consortium partners. These views have not been adopted or approved by the Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the Commission’s or its services’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in the working papers and reports, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof.