EVENT 1: "Dual education and digitization of maritime higher education system”, 1 day event, 30 national and 10 international participants, organized by the ”Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy in Romania in May 2022
EVENT 2: "Simulation environment in Maritime Education and Training”, 1 day event, 30 national and 10 international participants, to be organized by the Polish Naval Academy in Poland in October 2022
EVENT 3: "Teaching efficiency enhancement and class leadership in virtual campus management”, 1 day event, 30 national and 10 international participants, to be organized by the PiriReis University in Turkey in February 2023
EVENT 4: "Simulation facilities potential for maritime scientific research”, 1 day event, 30 national and 10 international participants, to be organized by the Bulgarian Naval Academy in Bulgaria in June 2023
EVENT 5: "Teaching and learning digitally”, 1 day event, 30 national and 10 international participants, to be organized by the Lithuanian Maritime Academy in Lithuania in September 2023