Maritime Simulators and Training Facilities Network for Enhancing the Exchange of Good Practices and Digital Learning


MARSNET Objectives

MARS-NETproject will aim to achieve a strategic network for joint partners' facilities and teaching/learning practices exchange, seeking to obtain by implementation such significant results on following directions:

Training skills improvement of the trainers, by good practices exchanges on different simulators offered by the partners, implementing a digital teaching framework for hard skills achievement - harmonized methodology for training resources to be achieved;
Dual education enhancement by developing the cadets’ abilities for online training on simulator facilities, using the digital resources in their training, onboard the ships during the cadetship - adaptation of present syllabuses and simulation exercises; - building teaching resources for simulating exercises to digitize the teaching and training environment as a valuable supporting feature for “blending learning” methods enhancement, including a manu;
Implementing harmonized training modules in order to value the partners’ experience, facilities and good practices into the network (with an emphasis on the particular aspects of the targeted regions), continuing previous strategic partnership projects as DECOMAR, MARINE, MENTORESS or BLUE4SEAS;
Institutional internationalization will be stimulated by organizing different meetings and dissemination events, where the achieved results will be disseminated and shared;
The academic and training exchanges between the Baltic Sea region and the South-Eastern area of Europe will be very much stimulated, contributing for harmonization of the training practices, connecting the training facilities in a common network to be jointly valued by the partners;
New research methods and research areas of knowledge will be identified, where the simulators to be involved and valued on competitive basis, within the agreed partnership; - the partners will exchange expertise in designing virtual environment and simulation scenarios for navigation and engine room onboard the ships, on simulators, using the partners software and hardware.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them